
立博在线体育欢迎您的专业知识,并使您的职业发展! The College has maintained its commitment to academic excellence; a climate that emphasizes leadership, ethics, value and service; a curriculum that balances job-related knowledge with a liberal arts foundation; and a caring environment with small classes for over a century and a half.

aerial of downtown naperville

About Naperville

exterior of rall dormitory




A Great Place to Work

立博在线体育六年来五次被《立博在线体育》评为“最值得工作的学院”. 该学院最近在两个类别中获得认可:教学环境和任期清晰度和过程. 立博在线体育很荣幸得到认可. 立博在线体育一直都知道中北部是一个特别的地方,立博在线体育期待着了解你. 

Great Colleges logo

Our location

Our Naperville location offers unparalleled professional opportunities for spouses and partners; great schools in a family-friendly community; options for urban, suburban and rural lifestyles; and access to the social and cultural opportunities of the nation’s third-largest metropolitan area. 立博在线体育离通往芝加哥的特快列车只有三个街区,附近还有一条通往城市和芝加哥郊区社区网络的高速公路.


Our community

You’ll feel at home here. 教职员工在每周一次的非正式校园聚会上与中北部的同事联系.  员工可以免费或打折参加许多音乐、戏剧和演讲活动.  家庭成员也包括在校园生活中. 你们都被邀请参加像总统烧烤这样的活动, Homecoming, the holiday open house, 基石日野餐和体育比赛.


Our dedication to excellence

每年,北中央表彰杰出的员工和教师与Dissinger奖. 校园社区因其出色的教学而提名同事, 奖学金或服务“超越职责的召唤”.获奖者将在学院的年度服务颁奖典礼上获得奖金和全校认可.

professor sitting in lounge

Our benefits

立博在线体育为全职教职员工提供全面的福利待遇, including:

  • 综合医疗、牙科和视力团体保险
  • 健康和受抚养人护理节省费用
  • Life, AD&伤残团体保险
  • 403(b)由雇主供款的退休计划
  • 员工援助计划资源
  • 全职员工、配偶和家属的学费减免
  • Generous paid time off plans
professor teaching


立博在线体育坚定地致力于招收和支持学生, 来自不同背景的教职员工. 立博在线体育不歧视申请人, students, 基于种族歧视的教职员工, creed, color, religion, age, disabilities, national or ethnic origin, gender or sexual orientation, 退伍军人身份或任何受当地政府保护的军衔, state or federal law.

students at coffee shop