学生残疾服务 is an office within 学术事务, 负责协调残疾本科生和研究生的住宿安排. 立博在线体育认为残疾是多元化的一个重要方面,立博在线体育致力于为所有学生提供平等的机会和有意义的机会. 立博在线体育与学生合作, 教师, 并提供无障碍的环境和学术住宿,使学生可以好奇, 订婚了, 道德, and purposeful citizens and leaders in local, 国家, 以及全球背景.
学生残疾服务已由立博在线体育指定,以协调符合1973年康复法案第504和508条的合理住宿, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. 学生残疾服务与每个学生都有一个互动的过程, case-by-case basis to determine reasonable accommodations.
To be eligible for academic and/or housing accommodations, 学生必须在学生残疾服务中心注册,并提供美国残疾人法案规定的残疾证明文件. 残疾的定义是:
- 一种严重限制一种或多种主要生活活动(如行走)的身体或精神损伤, 站, 看到, 说话, 听力, 坐着, 呼吸, 阅读, 学习, 思考, 执行手动任务, or taking care of oneself; or
- Has a record of such impairment or is perceived as having such impairment.
在残疾学生服务中心注册是一个协作和互动的过程. Because disability impacts each individual differently, we want to devote attention to your verification and intake meeting. We ask that you allow up to 10 business days for us to process your verification, 审查其他文件, 然后安排一个疗程. As a reminder, please make sure your verification meets our requirements. 立博在线体育流程中的所有步骤都必须完成并批准,以便分配住宿.
一月及二月期间, 以及七月和八月, the office experiences a higher volume of requests, 这一进程将被推迟. If you are seeking accommodations for Fall, the process can begin in March. We ask for your patience as we work together through this process.
Requesting Academic Accommodations
- 学生必须完成 学术住宿申请 表格来开始这个过程.
- Submit documentation verifying a disability. Please see the Disability 验证选项 below. 文档可以在第一步中附加到表单上,也可以使用下面列出的选项之一提交.
- 完成一个 Release and Exchange of Information 表格,允许学生残疾服务部门与医疗保健提供者就学生的残疾进行咨询. 发布可以在第一步中附加到表单上,也可以使用下面列出的选项之一提交.
- Attend an intake meeting with 学生残疾服务.
Requesting Housing Accommodations
- 完成 住宿申请 表格来开始这个过程.
- 提交一份证明,以证实对特定住房的需求. 验证必须显示与住在校园宿舍有关的主要生活活动的实质性限制. Please see the Disability 验证选项 below. 文档可以在第一步中附加到表单上,也可以使用下面列出的选项之一提交.
- 完成一个 Release and Exchange of Information 表格,允许学生残疾服务部门与医疗保健提供者就学生的残疾进行咨询. 发布可以在第一步中附加到表单上,也可以使用下面列出的选项之一提交.
- Attend an intake meeting with 学生残疾服务.
提供文件是确定合理住宿的过程的一部分. Since each student’s experience with disability, 身体健康, 心理健康是独一无二的, we are committed to providing flexible options for a verification. Below is a list of acceptable forms of documentation, and ways to submit documents to 学生残疾服务.
Regardless of the option(s) selected, 所有验证必须来自诊断和/或目前正在治疗请求信息的个人的医疗保健专业人员. 请注意,家庭成员和/或有内在利益冲突的人(如.g. 与学生或其家庭已有的关系(这会使填写文件变得不道德)可能无法提供验证.
方案一- All Disabilities, Physical Health, Mental Health, and/or Temporary Conditions
The following form can be completed to support the student's disability, 身体健康, 心理健康和/或临时状况由医疗保健专业人员(心理学家)诊断, 精神病学家, 治疗师, 持牌注册社会工作者, 医学博士, 验光师, 等.)不是学生的家庭成员和/或没有内在利益冲突的人. This will be used to determine eligibility for reasonable accommodation.
方案二- All Disabilities, Physical Health, Mental Health, and/or Temporary Conditions
信可以由合格的治疗或诊断保健专业人员(心理学家)提供, 精神病学家, 治疗师, 持牌注册社会工作者, 医学博士, 验光师, 等.) who is not a family member of the student. 文件可以在医疗保健专业人员的官方信笺上完成,并由有资格的专业人员签名. 资料应包括:
- A diagnostic statement identifying the disability with the date of diagnosis;
- 残疾的影响;
- An assessment of major life activities that are affected by the impairment (memory, 浓度, 社会互动, 学习, 思考, 走站, 坐着, 等.);
- Include test scores/diagnostics when applicable; and
- Must include name and title of professional, 牌照号码, address, phone and signature of professional.
选项3 -所有残疾、身体健康、精神健康和/或临时状况
Option 4 - Learning Disabilities, Developmental/Cognitive/Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum
有学习障碍的学生接受个性化教育计划(IEP), 发育/认知/智力障碍或被诊断为自闭症/阿斯伯格谱系的学生. However, the last IEP (Transition) is not accepted. 学生残疾服务中心要求三年的重新评估和/或符合资格的心理报告. These documents may be requested from the high school. 注意缺陷障碍/注意缺陷多动障碍并不是一种学习障碍, 学生有资格获得由选项一提供的文件支持的住宿, 两三个.
选项5 -聋人/重听
失聪/有听力障碍的学生应提供由合格专业人员进行的全面听力测试的诊断结果. Documentation must also address the following:
- Relevant medical history, including date of 听力 loss;
- Specific diagnosis and recent audiogram;
- Description of functional limitation (with and without any 听力 aids or other assistive devices or treatments); and
- Additional information that can be helpful would be an IEP or 504 Plan.
选项6 -失明/低视力
- Diagnosis and original diagnosis date;
- 病因/原因;
- Impact or limitation (including acuity scores);
- Visual acuity with and without correction;
- Status of corrective lenses (glasses and/or contact lenses and any other devices); and
- Additional information that can be helpful would be an IEP or 504 Plan.
Documentation can be attached to the accommodations request form, 邮寄, 传真, 通过电子邮件发送或丢弃.
- 邮寄地址:立博在线体育
内珀维尔,伊利诺伊州60540 - 传真:630-637-5462
- 电子邮件: sds@noctrl.edu
- Drop off: Oesterle 图书馆 room 230
电子邮件: sds@noctrl.edu
Reporting an Allegation of Harassment or Discrimination
学生有权举报因残疾而被拒绝平等入学的骚扰或歧视指控. 学生可以在网上或向工作人员报告骚扰或歧视的经历.
Online Reporting via the 偏见事件报告表格:
Coordinator of 学生残疾服务
Coordinator of 学生残疾服务
Director of Academic Success and Support 项目
明迪C. 迪亚兹
如果问题无法由学生残疾服务协调员解决,或者投诉涉及协调员, the student can email the Director of Academic Success and Support 项目. 如果情况无法由主任解决,或者如果投诉涉及主任,学生可以在线填写 偏见事件报告表格 or contact the 504年协调员 directly. 学生可以要求通过正式解决程序对他们的指控进行调查 Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation Policy.
Retaliation against persons involved in reporting, investigation or informal resolution process is prohibited. Retaliation will be treated as a separate violation of the policy.
If the complaint cannot be resolved at the college level, the student may choose to file a complaint with the Federal Office of Civil Rights.
U.S. 教育部
500 W. 麦迪逊街,1475套房
Fax: 312-730-1576; TTY: 800-877-8339
电子邮件: 光学字符识别.Chicago@ed.政府